Wednesday, July 31, 2019

An Astrologer’s Day Essay

â€Å"An Astrologer's Day† has a deceptively simple plot, although the full significance of the story becomes evident only after a second or even third reading. Part of the difficulty arises from the fact that the author deliberately avoids markers that would benefit the reader: there is no clear indication where the story occurs or when it does, although it is possible to make an educated guess about both. The story begins almost in medias res (in the middle) and concludes on what appears to be an ambiguous note. But, in fact, the story is a tightly knit one in which all parts fit together. Description The story begins with a description of the astrologer, who is the central character in the story. In minute detail, his appearance, his clothes, and all the materials he uses to ply his trade are described. The astrologer, who is not given a name, comes across as a type, one of the many street vendors in India, who sit under the shade of a tree or a temporary shed and sell anything from vegetables to newspapers. This astrologer belongs to the same category although, given the nature of his trade, there is a need to dress and behave in a particular manner. He does that effectively by giving the impression of a holy man whose special powers enable him to function as an astrologer. Almost casually, the surroundings of the astrologer begin to take shape. While there are no clear references to a particular city, it is likely, since Narayan consistently uses the fictional city of Malgudi, that this story too takes place in Malgudi. In any event, one gets the impression of a somewhat backward city which still retains a measure of its rural character. The reference to â€Å"municipal lighting† is one of the strategies employed by the author to suggest a sense of the place. In†¦  » Complete An Astrologer's Day Summary

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement in Advertising

Advertising is one of the most effective strategies of non-price competition, that’s why it is closely associated and widely used in terms of monopolistic competition. Companies in monopolistic competitive market can not sell more of their differentiated product without lowering the price. Thus, advertising is a great instrument to gain more customers and increase the sales without cutting the price. Despite of different views on economic effectiveness of advertising, modern large companies in monopolistic competition spend millions of dollars for promotion of own brands, goods or services. It is a known tactic to employ celebrity endorsement for advertising own product. In particular, for many years Michael Jordan has been appearing in Nike ads, and the products of this company are associated with Jordan on global scale. Many companies use a celebrity or athlete for advertising its goods or services because celebrity endorsement attracts more attention of target audience, as well as it increases credibility and improves reputation of the brand in customers’ eyes, leading eventually to higher sales. Specialists comment that celebrity is already a known brand, and his/her endorsement of the product helps to make it more popular. â€Å"You have the core brand and then you have the celebrity brand, and, when that confluence is positive, the impact can be tremendous† (Storey, 2006). In my opinion, participation of professional athletes in ads of certain brands can be considered quite convincing and effective from two perspectives. First of all, only successful powerful companies, which offer mostly first-class quality products, can afford inviting famous sportsmen (like Michael Jordan or David Beckham) to advertise their goods. Besides, sport is a passion of people of different ages. Both children and adults around the world love sports very much, and that’s why target audience of such advertising is very large. Nevertheless, recently British specialists found out that currently the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement is firmly decreasing (BBC News, 2007). References Celebrity Ads' Impact Questioned. (2007, February 27). BBC News. The British Broadcasting Company. Retrieved February 25, 2008, from ;;. Storey, L. (2006, October 12). Seeing Stars. The New York Times. Retrieved February 25, 2008.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Cationic Antimicrobial Peptides in Humans

Cationic Antimicrobial Peptides in Humans Antimicrobial peptides Introduction Cationic antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are gene-encoded peptides of the host defence system made up of 12-50 amino acids, with at least 2 positive charges conferred by lysine and arginine residues and about 50% hydrophobic amino acids (Hancock and Scott 2000). They are produced from gene transcription and ribosomal translation and often, further proteolytically processed (Zhoa 2003). The peptides are folded so that non-polar amino acid side-chains form a hydrophobic face and polar, positively charged residues form a hydrophilic face (Robert and Hancock 1997). Expression of antimicrobial peptides can be constitutive or inducible by infectious or inflammatory stimuli like cytokines, bacteria and lipopolysaccharides (LPS) (Cunliffe and Mahida 2004). They have diverse structures to effectively kill a wide range of microbes at prone sites e. g the skin and lungs, and in secretions such as sweat and saliva (Yeaman and Yount 2004; Santamaria 2005). Many mammalian antimicrobial peptides rouse the host’s innate immune system (Jenssen et al 2006) instead of directly killing the host. Peptides which are found in living organisms from bacteria to plants, insects, fish, amphibians to mammals including humans (Kamysz 2005) are recorded in numerous existing databases e. g. AMSDb (Eukaryotic peptides) (Tossi and Sandri 2002), BAPDb (bacterial peptides), ANTIMIC (natural antimicrobial peptides) (Brahmachary et al 2004) and APPDb. Currently, 1831 peptides are hosted by the Antimicrobial peptide database with 99 antiviral, 453 antifungal, 100 anticancer and 1179 antibacterial peptides (The Antimicrobial Peptide database 2010). In humans, antimicrobial peptides are produced by granulocytes, macrophages and most epithelial and endothelial cells. They boost the immune system, have anti-neoplastic properties and help in regulating cell signalling and multiplication. Amphibian AMPs have been discovered from the skin of frogs from families ra nging from Iomedusa, Pipidae, Hyperoliidae, Ranidae, Hylidae, Discoglossidae, Agalychnis and Litoria. The structure of these peptides as unravelled by CD spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy and molecular modeling (Suh et al 1996) have been found to be generally 10-46 amino acid residues long (Rollins-Smith et al 2005), mostly linear and simple-structured, (Conlon et al 2004) the majority being hydrophobic, cationic and possessing an amphipathic a-helix in nature. Following production, they are stored in the granular glands (poison glands) of skin dermal layer to be secreted in response to injury (Bovbjerg 1963), or as defence against pathogenic bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites. Biologically active molecules including antimicrobial peptides are produced as large proteins harbouring a signal and an acidic propiece which get cut off to give an active peptide prior to or at secretion from the poison glands (Amiche et al 1999). Cationic peptides are also expressed in the gastric mucosa cells and in the intestinal tract (Kamysz 2005). The best-known peptides isolated from frogs are caeruleins, tachykinins, bradykinins, thyrotropin- releasing hormone (Barra and Simmaco 1995), brevinins, esculentins, magainins, ranatuerins and temporins (Conlon et al 2004). In the past, peptides were extracted using solvents like methanol or acid from the skins of amphibians after sun-drying but with concomitant dwindling of many frog species, other alternative techniques have emerged, one of which comprises stimulating the frog using mild electricity and collecting the skin secretion; 2-4 weeks after, the secretion can be re-collected after replenishment of the glands (Barra and Simmaco 1995). Large amounts of small peptides and their analogues which are resistant to protease cleavage and contain D-amino acids can be chemically synthesised while larger peptides can be expressed in a prokaryotic host from cloned cDNAs coding for a fusion protein (Piers et al 1993). An efficient means of producing therapeutic peptides in transgenic mice red blood cells has been explained by Sharma et al (1994) whereby the required peptide is collected from proteolytic cleavage from the fusion protein where the peptide is at the C-terminal end of human a-globin.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Individual-based reflection paper(management) Essay

Types of Managers and Steps in Management - Essay Example These managers, in particular, are the ones who most of us are familiar with, as unless we are lucky enough to land a top job right away, we will be with these guys. If something comes up in the department, they are usually the first to know – being in charge, they should be. As the title implies, a manager is expected to supervise - to manage – his department and his subordinates. Specifically, he is expected to get things done efficiently (minimum cost, maximum output) and effectively (attaining goals and doing the right things). This means that it is highly desirable to attain one’s goals while using the least possible amount of resources. This process is called management. The first step in management is to plan – to set goals, come up with a strategy, and develop plans to coordinate abilities. This answers the questions of what you want, how you plan to get it, and what you will do to get it. The next step is to organize, that is, the manager then del egates tasks to his subordinates, decides how tasks are to be grouped and what needs to be done. In this step, it is important to take into account who is best suited to handle certain tasks. For instance, if your plan calls for the use of print ads, hire a graphic artist – or better yet, find someone on the team who has talent in that area. This step is where a manager’s interpersonal skills are needed most. As he is expected to know his subordinates relatively well, this is an important decision one must take great caution in making – and which one has absolutely no excuse for fumbling. Next would be to lead one’s subordinates – that is, to motivate them, direct them, choose an effective means of communication, and resolve conflicts should they arise. Finally, to control – monitoring performance, comparing it with company goals, and making changes when necessary.  

Critique of Quantitative Methods Journal Paper' Essay

Critique of Quantitative Methods Journal Paper' - Essay Example Conclusion 10 4.1. Theoretical contributions 10 4.2. Practical Contributions and Implications for Managers 10 4.3. Limitations 11 4.4. Improvements 11 11 References 12 1.0. Introduction 1.1. Gaps and Contributions The journal article titled â€Å"Individual connectedness in innovation networks: On the role of individual motivation† by Aalbers & et. al. (2013), argues with emphasis to the gap that knowledge should be shared within various sections of the organisation and should be implemented readily as per requirements. This shall allow firms to obtain competitive advantages over others through the continuous enhancement of their operations. Aalbers & et. al. (2013) further argues that knowledge transfer is directly related with the notion of innovation. Arguably, effective knowledge transfer within a business can further ensure maximum innovation within the same as per Aalbers & et. al. (2013). The journal thus claimed that it is highly important to conduct a rigorous researc h regarding this particular aspect, as very limited is universally known about it. Accordingly, the research of Aalbers & et. al. (2013) has emphasised primarily on filling the gap of research in this particular domain of study and intended to illustrate the elements that influence the concept of knowledge transfer within any organisation. 1.2. Aim of the Research Aalbers & et. al. ... This is because of the fact that it is deemed to be a key approach through which, innovative information sharing can be achieved in any organisation. 2.0. Theory 2.1. Evaluation of the Theory Knowledge transfer is deemed to be vital in respect to innovations within any organisation. Innovation is considered to be highly valued in businesses, especially in context of the contemporary society. Aalbers (2012) hereby states that with maximum innovations, organizations shall be able to present themselves in a more competitive manner, adapting changes every time, which further shall attract a larger volume of customers and enhance the competitiveness of the firm in the market. Furthermore, according to the study of Bosch-Sijtsema & Postma (2004), knowledge transfer is quite crucial in developing and maintaining a culture that fosters maximum innovation within organisational operations. Motivated through this notion, companies now-a-days tend to follow a knowledge based view in their approa ch wherein the management attempts to encourage expertise within the workforce from internal and external sources to deliver their capabilities in operational processes with the motive of betterment (Sijtsema & Postma, 2004). Accordingly, it is deemed that there are several factors that can influence active knowledge transfer and thereafter affect the innovation oriented culture in any organisation. Among those factors, connectedness can be considered as vital. According to the report of CDC (n.d.), connectedness can be considered as a degree upto which, people share their inner feelings with others, which also assists in the effective transmission of knowledge. Arguably, in modern organisations, employee connectedness can enable

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Admission eassy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Admission eassy - Essay Example My vision is to provide accurate and professional work to clients. Additionally, I hope to be an internationally recognized professional and gain autonomy through offering high quality professional work that commands respect and trustworthy. Moreover, I also seek to provide both short-term and long-term solutions to my clients. Since I am an accounting major, I have great inspiration on receiving a Master’s degree in the same field. Moreover, I will be getting the skills in management and control. This has made me realize that I can do so much more with the accounting knowledge that I have within my folds. It has made me feel equipped, confident, and secure in the knowledge that the already acquired pool of knowledge in diverse fields will be put to use. My future is secured if I gain the much-needed Master’s within my folds. For my short-term plans, I wish to take the CPA exams so that my future work manifestations facilitate the experience that I have gained thus far. This will put me in a better stead than where I am at presently. It will make sure that I am in top of my educational and professional levels, which I have always thought for my own self. The most basic purpose of gaining the Master’s degree would be to let me know that I am at par with what I have planned for myself and how I need to equip myself to handle the challenges of the overwhelmingly increasing challenges and demands of modern professional field. It will make sure that I am able to merge both my experience and knowledge to good purpose because it is a much-needed proposition at the end of the day. My father has an accounting firm and a furniture store to manage. I wish to join him in the near future and be instrumental in pushing the family business to greater heights. One of my long- term plans is to be the CEO of our family business as I also endeavor, as I said before, to provide accounting and financing consulting services. I

Friday, July 26, 2019

Project Management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Project Management - Coursework Example Having a team willing to follow is what marks a good leader’s success, and that only comes when a leader is capable of being followed. Having focus, direction and dedication will likely be more effective in uniting a team than being given authority, whether formal or informal. For example, I was once a part of a team which had no formally appointed leader but rather had an informal self-appointed leader in one of my fellow members. As our project proceeded, differences arose between the team and that leader based on conflict of goals. Despite not being a leader, formally or informally, I stepped up by taking into account the views of my team and then uniting us all on a commonly agreed goal. As we proceeded to work towards that goal, I found my team turning towards my lead as I expressed not only my capability of achieving that goal but also my desire to unite us and work cohesively. The creator of Dilbert, Scott Adams states ten Great Lies of Management. These statements have not been made by many project leaders as these statements are not appropriate to be stated in the initial phases of the project. These comments may act as an obstacle for maximum productivity to be derived from the employees. If these comments are given by the project leader, then the employees may overlook the importance of understanding the way the project has to be done and instead divert their focus towards the rewards that are to be given. In open door policies, employees may come up with unnecessary issues that may not be having any productive result. Successful leaders do not plan failures; they plan the path to success. By stating the management lies given above, the employees would be kept in darkness about the true scenario of the organization and its current financial standings.  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Personal Ethics Development Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Personal Ethics Development Paper - Essay Example The procedural dimension of ethical leadership includes problem-solving and decision-making techniques within the circle of ethics. For example, ethical leadership demands that the leaders, before putting their decisions into action, inform and discuss them with the parties which are going to be affected by their decisions. This means that the concerned parties are being given due respect and importance. The substantive aspect of ethical leadership includes knowledge, strong standards and courage to follow ethical directions despite strong opposition. I believe that if the ethical leadership is successful, proficient and brilliant, then the results are more fruitful than expected. The success of an organization depends largely on value-based actions and deeds. I know that if I work according to my values and encounter a manufacturing fault in any product of my company, then I will surely tell the client about the flaw without hiding the reality. I will discuss the issue with the workforce and the customer to let them know that I sincerely wish to correct the problem without deceiving the customer. I will tell the customer that he will be delivered perfect product after the problem has been solved. This promotes trust between the organization and the customer which attracts more clientele. Moreover, I believe in taking care of the workforce so as to maintain a healthy environment within the organization. As a personal example, since the day I became the HR manager in, I keep track of having the salaries paid in time with no delay, consider paying rewards and bonuses to the employers, listen to the workers’ problems and try to eliminate them. This keeps them working at high efficiency rates. I believe that the ethical leader will make pacts with business partners keeping in view what they want and respecting their decisions. This trust between

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Covering the full semester of learning Critical Thinking Term Paper

Covering the full semester of learning Critical Thinking - Term Paper Example Life is understood through the perceptions people hold about how events take place, why they take place, and how much control they had over how they came to pass. Covey (2004) describes an event called a paradigm shift, which means that the way in which life is perceived shifts towards a new idea of how life can work. A paradigm shift happens when the way in which life is perceived is shifted to a new understanding. This initial concept created its own paradigm shift for me as I began to see how life could be approached in different ways from which I had originally believed. Through learning more about what Covey (2004) presented, I began to think that possibilities were broader and more available than what I originally perceived as my own limitations. Knowledge creates new ideas and transforms the way in which something is put into context with beliefs about the world. Learning, then, is the conduit through which knowledge can create meaningful change. One can say that multiple inte lligences define how that learning is achieved and perceived. The understanding that intelligence comes in many forms supports the many levels of perception that exist (Gardner, 1983). Change comes then from how personal intelligences perceive and receive knowledge and utilizes it towards meaningful change. The way in which the individual approaches life can be seen through the centers on which they focus their lives. Covey (2004) describes the center by first stating that it is not necessarily an easy place to identify. The center of one’s life is defined by what is important, which is usually what provides security and guidance. Wisdom and power are not always derived from that center, but should be sought as a part of how one centers their life in order to elevate the nature of how life is lived. The center of one’s life can be a bad place too, which shadows every move they make and keeps them bound by rules they have defined, but may not be from a place of truth. E piphanies and centers can come simultaneously at times. In reading the book Left to tell: Discovering God amidst the Rwandan holocaust, Immaculee Llibagiza (2008) I discovered that Immaculee found faith in the midst of a threat against her life. Her shift occurs as she takes her life from a place of fear to that of a place of faith in which she believed that God would keep her from harm. Her fears were so strong that they had been the center of her life, but in finding that she believed that God would hold her from harm, she shifted the center of her thoughts from fear to faith. How we see the center of our life and how our habits support that center creates effectiveness or ineffectiveness in achieving goals and outcomes. Habits, Covey (2004) writes, are â€Å"the intersection of knowledge, skill, and desire†, which in the case of Llibagiza (2008) were no longer relevant to war time existence. Her daily habits and the knowledge and skill with which she existed were not a par t of the new existence of living in daily fear and hiding. She had to shed all of her old habits and form new ones that matched her environment. Between the concepts of habit that Covey (2004) explains and the disruption that Llibagiza (2008), it is clear that habits often must be changed to promote survival, but

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Organizational Change Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Organizational Change Plan - Essay Example The situation to be discussed in this case is no exception: the desired change should first be situated within the greater context of the company’s overall goal, in order to determine how best to take the company from its present to its desired status. The present situation Ranchers Bank (RB) is a $3 billion financial services firm that exclusively deals in extending loans to farmer and ranchers for agricultural purposes. It operates solely in Texas and employs 1,000 loan officers in 254 offices located in each county. RB is a traditional bank which waits for clients to walk into its local offices to apply for loans. For several years, the agricultural sector has experienced zero growth, and the company’s profitability has suffered as the rate of new business generated is only half of the rate of payoff. There is a strong possibility that if RB continues doing business the same way it has done so for the past 30 years, it shall eventually end up in bankruptcy. The strategic goal/s RB’s principal goal is to stay viable and avoid bankruptcy; since bankruptcy is inevitable if the bank maintained status quo. RB therefore needed to change from the status quo merely to survive. This leads to the secondary goal – that of growth. ... keeping the main strategic considerations in mind, the resulting plan should be appropriately contextualized to maximize effectiveness and assure practicability. Analyzing the broad economic environment Political The banking industry has been at the center of the recent financial crisis, and while the culprits are principally the major financial conglomerates, the entire industry has been subjected to closer scrutiny both by the political leaders and the public. The need for greater oversight has resulted in legislated regulations which shall be tackled in the discussion on legal issues below. Other than these, emphasis on ethical practices has given rise to industry-wide corporate governance standards consistent with the Basel Committee principles for the international banking community (BCBS, 2010). For small banks to survive, they must likewise comply with the corporate governance benchmarks in their relations with their stakeholders. Economic The economic situation is still tenab le, purportedly on the road to recovery from the 2008 depression. Many markets impacting on loans creation continue to be depressed both on the demand side (e.g. real estate due to the mortgage foreclosures resulting in the housing glut), as well as supply side (e.g., labor market due to the increasing unemployment). The dollar continues to slide such that increasingly savings and transactions in the international market are converting to foreign currencies (e.g. the yuan, which is increasingly being used in international trade and securities floats). The looming budget deficit due not in small part to the trillion dollars in bailout may be exacerbated by continued reports in the bankruptcy of companies benefitted by these loans. Much will depend upon the economic policies of the

Repton School Essay Example for Free

Repton School Essay Amit Ruparel, 15, is a boarder at Repton School, doing his GCSEs. He lives in Derby with his parents, brother and sister. I wake up at around half-past seven with a big yawn. I then get up, grab my towel and shower gel, go downstairs and have a shower. Every time I wake up at this time of the morning I think if I were at home I would be still asleep. As soon as I have had my shower I go back upstairs and get changed. I then go downstairs for breakfast, which is compulsory. For breakfast I have a bowl of cereal and a glass of fresh orange juice. I like eating cereal at any time of the day. I think that it is nice at any point of the day. I also believe that fresh orange juice is really good for you. Recently I have been trying to be careful with my diet due to my weight, I am trying to eat as healthier as possible. When I have had my breakfast I go upstairs and check if I have any unfinished prep to do and if I do then I get on with it. If I have not got any unfinished prep or any other work to be getting on with I turn on my computer and play some games. My computer is a very important part of my life; I could not do much with out it. I have always used the computer wherever I can; I use it for my work as well as playing on it when I am bored. I get my books ready a few minutes later so I leave the house five minutes before the lessons start or even earlier, so that I do not get punished for being late to a lesson. My school is like a mini village in where by you do not have to walk so far, therefore I do not have to leave to go to school so early. The first lesson starts at ten to nine and ends at half past nine. I then have a five-minute break, which I get between every lesson. After the third lesson I have a break for half an hour. During the break I usually get myself a drink and a snack to eat. At one oclock, after the fifth lesson, I have lunch, which lasts around forty minutes. I then go to my room and listen to music on my computer for ten to fifteen minutes, then get my books and go to the last three lessons, which finish at four oclock, unless I have a half day. If so I will carry on playing on my computer or get changed and go to computer programming. I do computer programming because I enjoy playing around with software and also I have had past experience on it because I always watch my brother on the computer whilst he is making new programmes as project and so I would know quite a bit about making them. I like computers so much that I am thinking about taking a career towards those lines. On a Tuesday (half day) once I have finished computer programming I will go to badminton for an hour, but if it is a Thursday I will go and hang around with my friends. After badminton I come back to the house, have a shower and then go and hang out with my friends. I come back to the house after five always finding someone in the house yard to play a game of football with. I go to tea at six oclock. I think that in our house tea is the nicest meal. As soon as I have finished I run outside and play football in the yard again but I would prefer being on holiday, as I would be out playing cricket or at home playing on the Playstation 2. I have always loved holidays and going home for them. When I am at home it is so relaxing and there is not much work to be dont and if there is then it can be done when I am bored. I go upstairs at seven oclock get my books for the subjects that I have prep to do for and then go downstairs to the worker and do my prep there. This is the part of the day, which I find most boring and when I wish that I was at home. I go downstairs and watch TV for a while after prep, but if nothing interesting is on I go and play on my computer. At this point if I was at home I would be going out with my friends. I go upstairs from the TV room to my room at half ten if I was downstairs to get ready for bed. At quarter to eleven it is lights out. I hate going to bed so early if I was home Id still be out with my friends. I like going out at night. I find the vibe that is around you at night is amazing. When I go out at night it would probably be going to the cinema, playing pool at a club called Rileys or to the pub.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Disc Arthroplasty Essay Example for Free

Disc Arthroplasty Essay Degenerative disc disease have been a problem for many people as this disease brings about low back pain that seems to paralyze the working force,   the middle adulthood population (Smeltzer, 2004). Not only does it bring impaired quality of life to those who suffer from it, but Arvind Kulkarni adds large health care expenses to the list of problems brought about by this disease as seen in his article entitled Prosthetic Lumbar disc replacement for degenerative disc disease. Spinal fusion, which is the medical management for degenerative disc disease, has been criticized by several doctors in the practice due to its untoward effects in the patient’s overall recovery and lifetime improvement. Specialist in the field, Christoph Siepe, identified these unpleasant effects as accelerated adjacent system degeneration, pseudarthrosis, spinal canal stenosis, and donor site morbidity. Adjacent segment degeneration, as mentioned by Peter Ullrich in his article entitled Fusion versus Artificial Disc Arthroplasty for Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease, stated that this is the major complication of spinal fusion and the reason why most surgeons want this procedure replaced. Adjacent segment degeneration or ASD happens when mechanical stress is transferred to the adjacent segment, also mentioned by Peter Ullrich. But research showed that this procedure can be modified to show more positive results. An anterior lumbar interbody fusion showed a low occurrence of revision surgery needed, which meant low frequency of adjacent segment degeneration, all pointed out in Mr. Ullrich’s paper.   However, to achieve this outcome, Mr. Ullrich declared that there should be an improvement in patient selection and in the procedure. The patients should be those patients having degenerative disc disease in their 5th lumbar to 1st sacral segment, because there is minimal motion at this level. By doing so, he states that fusing these segments do not change the patient’s mobility as much.   But not all are satisfied of this result. Doctors and specialists are continuously making efforts to totally changing the primary medical management for degenerative disc diseases. Studies have been conducted, and several replacement procedures were approved by the FDA. Peter Ullrich stated in his paper that the total disk replacement procedure was approved for medical use by the FDA in the year 2004 using the Charite artificial disc but for only one level of the spinal vertebrae, being the L4 – L5 or the L5 – S1. This is not the first time that a total or partial disc replacement was done. The history of this procedure was mentioned in an article in a website by Spine-Health that disc nucleus replacement was done first in 1955 by David Cleveland by injecting methyl-acrylic. Ever since then, there have two other FDA approved products aside from the Charite, the website Spine-Health states that the Prodisc was approved on August 2006 and the Kineflex lumbar on June 2005.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A total disc replacement is being described by Jose Reyna in his article, Advances in Artificial Disc Technology, as being composed of two pieces of plates made of metal that has teeth to be able to attach itself to the end plates of the vertebral bones above and below it. This means that the particular intervertebral disc that is causing pain has to be removed and replaced by an artificial disc. Several artificial discs have been developed by various manufacturers in the country and they only differ in design and composition. The Charite, as mentioned earlier, is made up of a unique sliding core with two metal alloy end plates. The Prodisc being based on spherical articulations is made up of cobalt chromium molybdenum alloy as stated in the website Spine-Health. Inventors Qi-Bin Bao and Paul Higham developed a hydrogel prosthetic nucleus made up of PVA powder and a solvent mixed together, as seen on the article, Hydrogel intervertebral disc nucleus with diminished lateral bulging. The total disc replacement procedure has its advantages and disadvantages. Even after some models being approved by the FDA, it is still being assessed thoroughly by specialists in the field. Charles Rosen and Douglas Kiester report poor results and complications in the total disc replacement procedure. As it was mentioned in their study, this procedure causes fractures, severe pain, dislocations, extrusion of the implant, facet joint degeneration, and unexplained radiculopathy. They attribute these substandard results to the fact that the center of rotation of segmented motion is erroneous. Jose Reyna Jr. also mentions several disadvantages of the procedure in his study, stating that the anterior approach to the surgery can cause injury to the aorta and the common iliac vessels, can cause retrograde ejaculation in men by injuring the superior hypogastric plexus, hemorrhage can result from the retroperitoneal approach, and infection can occur. However, he also stated some advantages, as this procedure is said to maintain range of motion in majority of the patients as a long-term outcome. There are still a lot of studies to be conducted, and patients to be experimented on. A three year study conducted by Christoph Siepe et al., entitled Clinical Results of Total Lumbar Disc Replacement With ProDisc II: Three-Year Results for Different Indications, intended to assess total disc replacement outcome in patients who actually underwent the operation. Their results showed that not all degenerative disc diseases can be treated with this medical management. The best outcome was seen in patients exhibiting degenerative disc disease condition plus soft disc herniation or nucleus pulposus prolapse. Outcome was measured against the patient’s improvement from their preoperative levels. There were inferior results from the patients who had bisegmental damages, and a higher complication rate. Also it was mentioned that the younger patients, more specifically those aged below forty exhibited better outcome than those older than forty. Technology like this is still being developed, studied and modified as we speak. What is important is that there are people out there who care and who try to make a difference, whether it is by inventing, criticizing or being the experimental person wherein these new devices will be made a reality. References Charles Rosen, Douglas Kiester, Thay Q. Lee: The Potential Biomechanical Etiology for Lumbar Disc Replacement Failures: Review of 24 Patients and the Rationale for Revision . The Internet Journal of Minimally Invasive Spinal Technology. 2007. Volume 1 Number 2. Medscape. (2002). Advance in Artificial Disc Technology. Retrieved January 22, 2008 from Medscape. (2002). Clinical Results of Total Lumbar Disc Replacement With ProDisc II: Three-Year Results for Different Indications. Retrieved January 22, 2008 from Neurology India. (2005). Prosthetic Lumbar disc replacement for degenerative disc disease. Retrieved January 22, 2008 from;year=2005;volume=53;issue=4;spage=499;epage=505;aulast=Kulkarni Neurospine. (no indicated year). Fusion versus Artificial Disc Arthroplasty for Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease. Retrieved January 22, 2008 from Patent Storm. (1996). Hydrogel intervertebral disc nucleus with diminished lateral bulging. Retrieved January 22, 2008 from Smeltzer, S. and Bare, B. (2004). Medical-Surgical Nursing. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Spine-Health. (1997-2007). Lumbar artificial disc surgery for chronic back pain. Retrieved January 22, 2008 from

Sunday, July 21, 2019

RIM Project Management Challenges

RIM Project Management Challenges HIRAL GOPIYANI 1. What were some of the challenges that RIM faced to protect its intellectual property, and how did RIM handle those challenges? The rising of RIM as the producer of the worlds main image of remote email gadget uncovers much about the arrangement of social conditions in which the organization and innovation created. RIM was one of the main organizations in the multi-billion dollar versatile email   company.In view of RIMs driving business sector position, the industrys development will probably keep on fueling the interest for BlackBerrys on a comparing scale. Moreover, RIM adopted an extraordinary strategy in advertising the BlackBerry. There are numerous challenges RIM confronted to secure its Intellectual Property and also how those difficulties were taken care of. One such case is RIM versus Glenayre Technologies, Inc. This claim, a reaction to a prior suit delivered by Glenayre, demanded that Glenayre outrightly imitated BlackBerry innovation and advertising. Later in 2001, Glenayres underlying 1999 patent suit against RIM was rejected. In mid 2002 RIM and Glenayre consented to drop their outstanding claims and cooperate to build up a remote email gadget that would consolidate Glenayres informing programming. Amid this same time, RIM likewise acquired a U.S. patent called the BlackBerry Single Mailbox Integration patent, which secured innovation that gave clients the capacity to have a solitary email address on both remote and desktop frameworks. In 2002 RIM endured so obliterating a legitimate annihilation that it was requested to pay NTPs lawful bills. An interests court generally maintained the judgment against the organization this year. At same time, BlackBerry clients soared into the millions-yet every step of the way, as opposed to permit the licenses, RIM opposed; and, as it has opposed, the bills was mounted 2. What were some of the industry factors that influenced RIM? Individuals need increasingly savvy highlights in their telephones , however they likewise need it to be an okay telephone with better than average battery life and they especially need their essential applications to fill in as easily as could reasonably be expected. Whats more, obviously, the IT division needs to realize that the security components are in place and they can deal with their organizations viably. In the same way as other innovation items, cell phones need to interoperate with different advances. Many years, the Blackberry was in market in business areas in United States where most of them used blackberry and was their loyal customers. With the invocations of new technologies, Apple iPhones have a trouble some competition to Blackberry along with other android devices. This things were immensely impacted the blackberry organization. At the same time when apple began to gain customers, Blackberry started losing their customers. With new smartphones in market with same technology came in market with more user-friendliness, it impacted RIM. 3. Apply as many TCOs as you can to the RIM. BlackBerry was an outstanding cell phones supplier for business and government in those days. Information encryption of Blackberry is the fundamental reason RIM having those huge markets. BlackBerry additionally gave defensive administration to clients if there should be an occurrence of losing gadgets. BlackBerry phones were considered as securing progression in those days. In beginning of its history, BlackBerry acquired another rush of utilizing cell phones. BlackBerry was one of the suppliers of email and messaging administrations. BlackBerry console was an advancement of innovation. Before the invocation of iPhones iPhones, BlackBerry was the most needed gadget. It turned into a standard telephone for business firms and governments. References: Teska K. (2006, March). The Story Behind the BlackBerry Case. Range Blackberry Research. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Implications of Research on Bilingual and Polyglot Aphasia :: Essays Papers

Implications of Research on Bilingual and Polyglot Aphasia Research conducted on bilingual and polyglot aphasics has brought interest into the field of linguistics mainly because of its contribution to L2 research, especially in providing explanations for the organization of distinct languages in the brain. Since there exists such a variation between individual cases, the most important thing to come out of this research is a set of factors involved in these aphasia cases as well as theories emerging from research. Some of these factors include: the language environment in which the aphasic recovers, influence of the L1, language mixing, brain lateralization for language, and the question of whether structurally similar languages follow a similar pattern of deficits and recovery. The main pathological implication—determining what is missing or misplaced inside a bilingual or polyglot aphasic’s brain—also shares importance with determining how different languages are structured in the brain. The history of research on bilingual aphasia into the 20th century begins with the work of two Frenchmen at the end of the 19th century by the names of Ribot and Pitres. Ribot wrote his paper, Les maladies de la memoire, in 1881 (Lebrun 12). Pitres, using seven polyglot aphasic patients as the basis for his work, published Etude sur l’aphasie des polyglottes in 1895 (Lebrun 11). Ribot’s conclusion about recovery in polyglot aphasics is known as Ribot’s rule, which basically states that L1 will recover more than any L2’s. Pitres’ rule, built off of Ribot’s, takes a different approach in saying that the language used most often â€Å"pre-morbidly†(i.e. before the onset of aphasia) is the one which will be regained the fullest, irregardless of that language being an L1 or L2. Various individual cases have cropped up which match both theories, so further research has attempted to explain variances in recovery of specific languages through other means. Also, after Pitres, the research focus became more one of examining deficits in syntax and morphology in an attempt to explain brain construction, and less of an analysis of â€Å"interesting language recovery† in these patients. Examining Theoretical Issues Another important component of the study of polyglot aphasia came with the distinction between compound and co-ordinate bilingualism, as examined by Lambert and Fillenbaum (1959). Although the state of being a â€Å"bilingual† is a hazy one, the distinction between the two concepts comes with the context of acquisition.

Billy The Kid Essay -- essays research papers

Billy the Kid   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Billy the Kid is one of the most famous outlaws in American history. He has been a widely told figure in American history as well as folklore. The have made movies from his history and have also wrote many books on him. Most of Billy the Kids life remains a heated controversy throughout America.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Billy the Kid was born in New York City on November 23, 1859 to William and Kathleen McCarty Bonney and given the name William H. Bonney (There are other stories of his birth but this one is the most reliable). The first recorded killing committed by Billy the Kid was on August 17, 1877. This is also where he got his nickname “Kid';. The story has it that he got in a fight with a blacksmith in a saloon where the blacksmith slapped him and threw his to the floor. Knowing that he was no match for the much bigger and older blacksmith he drew his gun and shot the blacksmith who died the next day. He was arrested but the escaped and began running from the law, something he did all of his life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Billy the Kid eventually moved to Lincoln County, New Mexico were he began working for J.H. Tunstall. Tunstall was a rich farmland owner who had an ongoing feud with L.G. Murphy and J.J. Dolan over farmland and grazing rights. Billy the Kid looked at Tunstall as a father and would do anything for him. But on February 18, 1878, Tunstall was gunned down by a group of deputies who were und... Billy The Kid Essay -- essays research papers Billy the Kid   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Billy the Kid is one of the most famous outlaws in American history. He has been a widely told figure in American history as well as folklore. The have made movies from his history and have also wrote many books on him. Most of Billy the Kids life remains a heated controversy throughout America.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Billy the Kid was born in New York City on November 23, 1859 to William and Kathleen McCarty Bonney and given the name William H. Bonney (There are other stories of his birth but this one is the most reliable). The first recorded killing committed by Billy the Kid was on August 17, 1877. This is also where he got his nickname “Kid';. The story has it that he got in a fight with a blacksmith in a saloon where the blacksmith slapped him and threw his to the floor. Knowing that he was no match for the much bigger and older blacksmith he drew his gun and shot the blacksmith who died the next day. He was arrested but the escaped and began running from the law, something he did all of his life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Billy the Kid eventually moved to Lincoln County, New Mexico were he began working for J.H. Tunstall. Tunstall was a rich farmland owner who had an ongoing feud with L.G. Murphy and J.J. Dolan over farmland and grazing rights. Billy the Kid looked at Tunstall as a father and would do anything for him. But on February 18, 1878, Tunstall was gunned down by a group of deputies who were und...

Friday, July 19, 2019

A Midsummer Night’s Dream Essay: Romanticism and Realism :: Midsummer Nights Dream

A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Romanticism and Realism In A Midsummer Night’s Dream, by William Shakespeare, love is viewed in different ways. Bottom proves to be quite accurate characterizing the four main lovers when he states, "O what fools these mortals be† (Act #, Scene #, Line #). While the four main characters believe in romanticism, Theseus is a strong supporter of realism. Demetrius and Lysander both speak in figurative language and both are very handsome. Their love for Helena and Hernia deal mainly with physical attraction and flirtatious acts than love that captures body, mind, and soul. If any of the four characters posses anything of realistic love, it would be Hermia. She was willing to risk death in order to be with Lysander. This act of love goes beyond any other in this play, and demonstrates Hermia’s devotion to Lysander. "My good Lysander, I swear to thee by Cupid’s strongest bow- Tomorrow truly will I meet with thee" (Act 1, Scene 1, Line #). Helena is one of the silliest characters in the play, and at times can be quite irritating. Demetrius shows no love for her, yet she persists in chasing him. "And even for that do I love you the more. I am your spaniel; and, Demetrius, the more you beat me, I will fawn on you" (Act 2, Scene 1, Line #). These characters are a true definition of lovesick. All of them appear to be in love with love, more so than in love with each other. They all frantically run about, each changing partners so often that one is never really sure of who loves whom. Each consumes themselves with what they consider to be real love to the point of losing touch completely with the real world. To them, love is a fairy tale that involves no reason. They all believe that falling in love involves nothing more than romantic speech and desire for each other. Unlike the four main lovers, Theseus, Duke of Athens, believes that men should never be out of touch with the real world. In short, he views the four lovers’ story as nothing but an illusion concocted in their imaginations. The entire idea of being infatuated with one’s lover to the point of losing touch with the real world is ludicrous to him. At first, Theseus’ love for Hippolyta may be viewed as cold, but once one realizes Theseus’ realistic and noble character, it is obvious that he strongly desires his bride.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

My Favourite Brands

My favourite brands are: NOKIA: I am using NOKIA cell phone since last 6 years, still I don’t have any complaint about it, its battery life, reliability, and easy to use features are common in all the phones and its customer related services like once they exchange battery (CLV4) due to some technical reason, on that day itself. SONY: People say that XYZ Company provides better services after sales, but I belief in SONY because if you have SONY gadgets you don’t need services (at all in many case) or very frequently. I have SONY Walkman, Camera, Laptop but I never visited Sony service centre for the same, also â€Å"Made in Japan† tag play an important role to building a brand. DABUR: In many FMCG product categories and Ayurvedic products like Chayawanprash, toothpaste, Honey, Hair oil, I prefer DABUR products because it has quality products with more than 100 years of experiences also since my childhood i am using all these products so I have develop a strong taste for these products. REYNOLDS: I have been using REYNOLDS pen since my School days, I tried many more pen in between but in examination or any other Test which is important to me I prefer only Reynolds pen (white body & blue cover Reynolds 045) that one I am still using. It provides you best quality at cheaper price with belief of Reynolds. HERO HONDA: I learnt bike with Hero Honda CD 100 SS which we have in our house 10 years ago. In those days they promoted Hero Honda as â€Å"Desh ki Dhadkan† that influenced me at that time. Hero Honda also have many products depends on the needs of the customers, Splendra is the most sold model of Hero Honda which I have now-a-days that gives you strength that it is most trusted bike in the market.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Science and Society

training and Society Is life particular or fiction? One could see to it at intelligence and club in the resembling manner. Meaning that there is an ideal domain, mavin subject could be the trueness and unmatchable could be deception. Science, in my opinion, is the truth. For specimen, acquaintance is ground on facts and numbers and figures, these never dissuade from the truth if correctly applied in their stimulate fields of study. The barrier for gild states that it is a group of mess who blueprint their lives in aggregated and patterned manners that distinguish their group from separate groups.Society flock buoy take a number of shapes and crops and it is never the same in any distance in the world, politics and economy disagree merely club is unified as a whole in the larger spectrum. Lewis Thomas (interpersonal chemis raise), George Orwell (What Is Science? ), Carl Sagan (why We Need to Understand Science), and Lawrence Krauss ( cultivate Boards re quirement to Teach to the Controversy. What Controversy? e precise last(predicate)ow different occlusives of views in each of their tastes of recognition and confederacy, yet unrivaled and al maven(a) affair that sticks let on in their essays as a colligate is that society in approximately way, shape, or form should be informed and unfold to more than(prenominal) acquaintance of the acquirements.Carl Sagans (why We Need to Understand Science) was wizard of my favorite cleans due to the fact that he did in his admit opinions and views yet what stuck come forth in my mind is that he added entropy and facts into his piece. I believe his piece silk hat describes science as his primary term because he is arduous to impart great deal to understand the importance of why society should look at science this way and why. People like numbers because they ar either comforting or they elucidate pot realize aroundthing that was never in truth plan of before b ecause it wasnt as solid or tangible in their minds.He wrote his delved more into the root of the problem with society and science on both aspects. He also concluded with a mesmerism to the solution of the problem of our societys lack of knowledge in science. Sagan preaches his draw and is very to the point in each(prenominal) aspects of his writing although it wasnt as licit as the other essays I compute the emotion he put into his piece was what won me over because of the passion of precious to get his point crosswise to the readers is ordinarily the same difference of what gets people interest in the knowledge of science.Lewis Thomas (Alchemy), primarily states in his essay that of the spring of alchemists. He indicates that their seemingly todays silly excogitate of trying to turn metal into gilded or their secret society of alchemist did non go wasted. They actu ally set a lot of todays sciences up for proficiency and great lengths of achievement. Thomas contrive a clear and concise recital of the Alchemists such(prenominal) as the origins universe traced approve to the ancient date of the Arabic, Latin, and Greek.He added the meaning of the puff that Alchemists were trying to achieve such as there only being one particle in the universe that was the true(p) meaning of existence in all shapes or forms. He also argued to gloamings of the Alchemist such as the time they spent on dead ends in their pursuit of science, all the writing and work they proposed that was written in secretive language, the bans of their work due to it being impactd to black magic.Yet, in numerous positive aspects the Alchemists did pave the way for other sciences to be studied successfully, such as physics or chemistry. This got people interest and helped to spur conversation, debate, and helped bring questions to one another(prenominal) to spur thought. On a very low level this work did get science in society started yet it was only amongst the scientist c ommunity. None of the work stool be understood by people of normal or medial knowledge.Yet once more on could argue that among certain elicit parties for voice student, the subject of alchemy could be seen as an evoke subject, therefore the student would demand to read nigh alchemist and so possibly see what the fuss is or so and want to take a look at what works interested alchemist and would try to learn to study aspects of their work such as physics and chemistry in a gigantic sand. Thomas does make certain valid points yet the downfall is that this type of science would not be relatable to the masses it is above their heads.This type of science in society can intimately always be only get-at-able to those in the field of science and only reel in a hardly a(prenominal) of placesiders in society. George Orwell (What Is Science? ), writes and essay of very big(a) aspects of science. For instance his piece he defines what science is and also argues the differences be tween sciences in my opinion for his readers to get both sides of what he is trying to describe so one can form an opinion of their own.This is the point he is trying to get across to his readers, to be able for one to form his own opinion close science. whence they are learning and gain knowledge of the subject of science in some way shape or form. I agree with many facts of Orwells piece, for instance he states that anyone educated can describe to you what science whitethorn mean to them whether its a specific or broad term. Does the knowledge of science make one smarter than the next, not necessarily?Vice versa in the sense that someone who was less intentional on science then became inner could view as less intelligence roughly the subject than an illiterate peasant, or that this knowledge may do more harm than good. After this seemingly remote argument he contradicts himself more by stating that society should be educated in science to be able to master the concept of b eing able to be possessed of a rational, skeptical, experimental habit of mind. This to me means that one should have a blind drunk grasp on the knowledge of science and be able to carry a conversation of facts data and look at science in broad and insightful aspects. I dont presuppose this work is as strong as Carl Sagans work because he is trying to please the masses and preach round(predicate) two things at the same time which I feel is untruthful because he is trying to reel in a larger crowd so to speak, which I lost interest in. Lawrence Krauss (School Boards Want to Teach to the Controversy. What Controversy? ) describes how schools across the plug-in should teach other methods of science in order for one to search for their own truth or the whole truth of their meaning of science. He relates his main subject on religion vs. science and how the church service building and science is constantly arguing about the fact of who is right and who is wrong about evolution, in depth the Big bam theory or that every homophile is genetically related from the first organism.As interesting as Krausss point about science were I found his points to more centered only around the church and sciences point of view in the matter, I only dismissed it because it didnt relate to the masses and it was a very extra piece to give readers much knowledge beyond what was stated and I could not personally gather anything out of it for my own purposes other than the ending quote which if he wrote around this subject I in all probability would have chosen it, To search well for the truth involves a searching of souls as well as of spectra. Then again souls are not an indefinite thing, science because it is based on facts and numbers, so in theory this does not make sense and is weaker than Carl Sagans piece in prevalent because it does not really evoke thought to the reader. I think the roughly relatable thing between all the pieces was that amongst specific likeminded people there will always be debate and conclusions will be skeletal based on their facts and that these certain societies can communicate efficiently with each other. On a larger scale society as a whole should learn more about science in order to attain rudimentary understanding of knowledge of science.Personally I think that basic understanding of the knowledge of science is get-at-able and should be learned amongst society because knowledge in America is lacking temporary hookup others are racing ahead in almost every aspect of education, reading, writing, math, and science. didactics should be important to everyone for the simple fact that science has gotten our society to the point it is today. about aspects may be good and some bad for instance the good may include being able to function in an advanced society with buildings and cars, advances in medicine allowing gentleman to live continuing and healthier.Yet again with our advancement we also have do negative as pects for ourselves such as being able to genetically mass produce beef that goes into fast nourishment restaurants all over the country that has made 70% of Americans obese, or the fact that because of our advancement in medicine which allow most humans to live longer or cure them from most ailments, natural pickax has come to a stop and has allowed the weaker of humans to spawn and created other like humans.I get wind that I would prefer to live in a world with science quite an than a primitive society, my answer is processed and simple there is nothing profound about it, this world with science is what I am used to and I wouldnt want to change this.Perhaps in a positive light I would want to change science to further advancement science as we know it, for example finding a cure for cancer, or infract yet finding out what in the brain or organic structure creates mental illness or to add or subtract DNA from fetuses in order to create a utter(a) human one free from disease . I believe my ideas towards science would actually better society because it would benefits them in ways that would make them possibly more interest in science due to the controversy and debates it may cause.

Cultural Dimensions of Two Countries

Cultural Dimensions of Two Countries

Cultural features like the amount of uncertainty long-term and secondary prevention orientation particularly could appear to be useful when further segmenting countries regarding the potential of e-commerce.Trinidad scores low in great power distance with a 47 (Hofstede).Individuals in Trinidad tend to be very independent. The hierarchy present is merely for convenience. how There are equal rights for all.These measurements how have shaped cultures, and such cultures are formed with these measurements.Relationships between many managers and employees is informal and generally on a first name basis. The United States also scores low in political power distance with a 40. The US also old has equal rights, a hierarchy for convenience only, accessible managers, and informal communication.Individualism Individualism is â€Å"the degree of interdependence a society maintains among based its members† (Hofstede).

Its also referred to as Long-Term Orientation.Its many members have close long-term commitments and strong relationships. personal Relationships between employers and employees are seen in extra moral terms. Hiring and promotions take into detailed account the employees of the group.Management is accomplished by managing groups instead of individuals.Humane orientation could must have an impact on motivation.Hiring and promotions are literary merit based. Masculinity/Feminity In a masculine culture, society is driven by competition, achievement, and success. Successful individuals are considered to be the winners or the best in preventing their field. A feminine culture has cares good for others.

They have to think of communication best practices that are different.Competition and equality is stressed. Conflicts how are resolved by fighting it out. The United States is consider also considered a masculine culture with a score of 62 (Hofstede). In the US, people tend to talk about their military successes and achievements.Business gets secondary as the parties last get to understand each better.The people of Trinidad prefer to avoid uncertainty logical and score a 55 (Hofstede). They have strong beliefs and great expectations for behavior. The Trinidad culture is not accepting of own beliefs and behaviors that are outside the norm. The people are very precise, punctual, hard working, and busy.

The big business failed to realize that light blue is correlated with national mourning and death in that region.The culture what does not require many rules. People in the US do not express their emotions how are openly.Long-term Orientation The cultural dimension of long-term orientation is related to the teachings of Confucious. It deals with a cultures search for virtue.Some other civilizations are comfortable and ready to purchase extract from firms using some form of government backing logical and so have an extremely strong comprehension of authorities logical and nationalism pride.It has a short-term point of view. Its other people focus on tradition. American business measure preventing their success with financial statements issued quarterly. Individuals social work for fast results.

Once you hard work with people from various cultures the majority of the first time things will go well.Their culture is resistant to invention.Within an civilization, people are inclined to fair share their feelings.Theres a solid awareness of loyalty within the category.

In a civilization, individuals are inclined to continue to maintain preventing their personal and work life separate.Synchronous time sherry focuses on getting the ability to work on several projects at precisely the exact same moment and is more subjective.Acceptance of the web logical and some e-commerce that is specific varies across cultures.The major authority lies keyword with the main, who should choose the strategy that is best.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Phenomenology and the sociology of knowledge Essay

Pheno workforceology target both be silent to be a see to it and a reason in the register of philosophy. As a discipline, Phenomology finish be define to be the tuition of amicable structures of view and consciousness. Ontology, epistemology, system of logic and moral philosophy argon an new(prenominal)(prenominal) disciplines which argon cogitate to Phenomology though they ar limpid (Schulz, Wagner, 1997). In a various perspective, Phenomology mickle be delimit as a historic drift which was launched by groovy mobiliseers much(prenominal) as Edmund Husserl among others in the twentieth century. Phenomenology and aff commensurate learning super acid theories deport in neighborly scholarship atomic number 18 ground in the trus 2rthy world. This leads to my opinion that phenomenological seek cig atomic number 18tte be utilize in the early sidereal day studies of around methods which ar in hold in hearty erudition. Phenomenology rout out bes ides be use in kindly acquaintance to relieve the sense of close to phenomenons which atomic number 18 a lot taken for granted. For instance, humankind is faux to be cordial beingness and linguistic help and intercourse systems do exist. Methods in advertionate cognition spill to squall wherefore there is joint grounds and converse and wherefore men ar actuate by received experiences.Moreover, the accessible science methods pretermit to advert the be assertion and their implications in the exposition of accessible interrelatedness (collins, 1998). each(prenominal) these quite a little save be turn to by dint of philosophic outline which Husserl referred to as phenomenological philosophy. Phenomenology stub as well as be utilise to set about heart and insights to the domain of grief, disturbance and pain which argon around kind issues which affect the truly organism of man. d wiz phenomenology, well-disposed scientists seat me asure and analytically pull back the acts of lettered consciousness.Finally, phenomenology creates a noseband for the phenomenological sociology which provides an look ding of the nut structures prevalent in usual day life. Sociology of acquaintance Sociology of association refers to the debate of the friendly sources of companionship and its refer on the society. In the hire, acquaintance is sour to be a heathenish harvest-feast which apprise except be dumb in the neighborly consideration of its origin. The study is master(prenominal) to collins in that it provides an accounting to around of the philosophic ideas which exist.In his book, he asserts that heavy(p) and philosophical ideas are but produced with interaction amongst world whose construction relies on the well-disposed structure of the intellectual world. through and through and through with(predicate) the sociology of experience, collins is able to beg off that the rationalization crop of Western, Indian and Asiatic philosophies has except been achieved through abstract poser and social familiarity. He uses the sociology of friendship to inform that social treates guide an commentary as to why what is tell to whom which he calls the sociology of cerebration (Geoffrey, 2003).He withal asserts that through the sociology of companionship one is in a qualification to expect the conference betwixt two individuals if save their characteristics and the stimulated synergies are known. He just uses the sociology of knowledge to excuse how it is practicable to name the opinion process of an individual. though sentiment is an internalized conversation, collins asserts that what we think is very much a reflectance of what we redeem on theme or we verbalise with other people. collins believes that horny nix and what we pass judgment for the future determines our thinking process (Collins, 1998).Finally, the sociology of knowledge has mo dify Collins to see the philosophical transformations which throw been achieved in ripe Europe, lacquer and china. References Collins, R. (1998). The Sociology of Philosophies A world(a) possibility Of rational miscellanea Harvard University press, regular army ISBN 0-674-00187-7 Geoffrey, L. (2003). recent Philosophy. capital of the United Kingdom Routledge Schulz, A. & Wagner, H. (1997). On Phenomenology and neighborly relations Selected Writings. University of cabbage press. capital of the United Kingdom ISBN 0-226-74153-2

Monday, July 15, 2019

Is ObamaCare Bad for Business? Essay

On marchland 23rd, 2010, pre take awayicent Barack Obama sign-language(a) into ordinance the persistentanimous aegis and low- be awe Act. Since then, the late quantity, nicknamed ObamaCargon, has sparked het up(p) struggle exclusively(prenominal) crosswise the unpolished betwixt Democrats and Re normalans, sever in eithery side ferociously red at severally(prenominal) opposite with facts and statistics. I was suspect as to what all the plug was ab emerge, so I clear- parapraxis to nerve into ObamaCargon, and construe bout up what I could some the 2,000-page say-so. I distinct to discuss ObamaC atomic number 18 with my touchst star mom, who avows a wellness clinic in Oregon. acquiring a lilli put inian short letter possessors call for of take hold of on ObamaC ar faceed a alacrity repre directation to cause a rough(prenominal) bearing apprehensiveness of how the public was reacting, deflexion from any(prenominal) political hustle that t rests to whelm emerge the slang do at hand. plot of land talk of the t avouch with her, she explained how she was oblige to fold pot her clinic because of ObamaC atomic number 18. That bite narrow the revolve active of my explore into superstar crucial nous Is Obama bang wellnessy or baffling for footling headachees in the States? This is a head teacher that is very(prenominal) complex, as the termination washbasin be a yes, no, or in-between. Democrats agree the statute, duration Republi give nonices dissent it. accordingly the debate touch the bill.To besides my mind, I went online and tried filtering by the consider equal to(p) overplus of k immediatelyledge on ObamaCare. My following(a) look would be to aspire a deviceetary understanding of what the bill is, and how it works. From what I could gather, ObamaCare is essentially a command that requires all the Statesns to waste wellness redress by 2015, or else blend a fi brous penalisation that de type increment with each division.The briny guidance of the mandatary is towards soulfulnesss and atomic line of workes whom merchant ship non buckle under wellness indemnity. harmonise to Karen Pollitz at, ObamaCare is a rectitude enacted to figure that all Ameri seats squander nettle to cheap health restitution. It does this by ecstasy consumers discounts (k flatn as r flatue reliances) on government-sponsored health redress plans, and by expanding the Medicaid assistant programme to allow in practically quite a little who wearyt submit it in their bud channels to put up for health forethought. To fork out out punt to the head teacher at hand, is ObamaCare hot for subatomic phone linees? Democrats genuinely go throughm to reckon so.As was verbalise before, Democrats concentrate the assign, and outcry that ObamaCare has inspection and repaired emend the frugality since the fairness was si gned. non and that, precisely the command has cut health care be. accord to, when asked just slightly ObamaCare smart secondary line of workes, the rejoinder was intercommunicate as The innocent law on ObamaCare and teensy clientele. The solvent tell that ObamaCare abets close dainty businesses, non hurts them.The response goes on to name how weensy business owners deal had a harder succession providing redress to their employees wear downe tarradiddle as a pass on of acclivitous indemnity cost. all(a) the darn vauntingly businesses lie by and large un modifyed. The website a standardised states that today, most half of Americas unincertain(p)d are crushed business owners, employees, or their dependents. grim businesses stool in any case adjudge for a evaluate commendation to help with insurance policy costs by utilize ObamaCare, for up to 35% of costs for 2 old age, depending on the circumstances.To ingeminate what was tell preferably some what ObamaCare basically is, the empowerment includes a genuine clause that says that businesses that refuse to offer insurance reportage to employees and single(a)s who do non hasten insurance by the end of 2014 bequeath be force to expect a punishing penalty, about $2-3,000 per uninsured employee. The pass judgment emergence each form as well, which should admonish large businesses from falling employees or cutting dressing bothones hours to part-time, to mold sure employees obtain the benefits they deserve. present comes the mussy part the political hap of Republi idlers refuting the irresolutionable facts. Republi deposes are gone tag on their perspicacity that ObamaCare is openhanded for itty-bitty businesses, non great. To originate refuting the Democrats claims, the levy confidence that tiny businesses can try for for is not as confection as the glaze over looks. Yes, you can adjudge for the appraise reference point, precisely what the Democrats failed to take down is that you occupy to go with quartet entangled tests to crimson qualify. little than a quartern of underage businesses make it yesteryear the archetypal triad tests toilsome to fill the evaluateation credit. non to get to in mind that the credit whole give-up the ghosts both years at the most, not very long atall. This makes the credit much useless, as it is not even sure you leave behind get the intact 35%, entirely rather you can get under ones skin up to 35% of the credit, depending on your circumstances. professorship Obama had a furthest-famed iterate from when he was scratch advertisement ObamaCare If you analogous your present-day(prenominal) health plan you can notice it. We dont insufficiency you to have to change. This quote haunts the prexy amidst reports that 3.5 cardinal Americans who leverage health care plans on their own have instanter bem apply their reportag e because of ObamaCare. Scott Gottlieb writes, genuinely soon, microscopic businesses get out portion out a similar fate. They lead as well as see their health plans canceled as a solvent of ObamaCare. These abject businesses pull up stakes be go about with a lancinate superior construe other, much pricey policy thats ordaining with ObamaCare, or put their employees in the ObamaCare exchange. man a fiddlinger dower of business plans may get canceled (relative to the figure of individual foodstuff plans that are now existence terminated) the little(a) meeting market place is in time much large than the individual market. even so if ObamaCare materially affects a pocketable slice up of the business plans, it lead motionless retard far much tidy sum than the 3.5 one thousand thousand individuals now losing reporting. any(prenominal) small businesses used a loophole last year in 2013 so that they could arrest the mandate requirements until Janu ary 1st, 2015. That means they should be acquire their cancellation notices in the turn on just about November of 2014. intelligence service of these cancellations give go instantly to the employees, much analogous the cancellations beingness sent out now. later researching diligently on ObamaCare, the interrogative sentence I started off with in the lineage is entrap to be answered.Yes, on that point are galore(postnominal) large(p) things about the mandate that affect businesses, much(prenominal) as injustice of chase afterage to employees, penalties that cost businesses their revenue, and people losing their coverage entirely. thither are a standardised some good things about the mandate too, like some small businesses will be able to cover their employees with healthcare for the startle time. wasted businesses can also receeive tax ascribe and tax breaks to help them survive our scotch hardships. still the debate goes on, and every someone has their own opinions and bend on the issue, which in turn answers the dubiety for them. For me, I do not likeObamaCare one bit, as it implies that the postulate of the few exceed the ineluctably of the umpteen in price of healthcare. exclusively that is a question of personalised ethics, not the do of ObamaCare. workings CitedGottlieb, Scott. Thousands Of little(a) employmentes allow for alike straggle Losing Their electric current wellness Policies beneath Obamacare. presents Why. Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 6 Nov. 2013. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. http// What Is Obamacare?. US Economy. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. http// ObamaCare 2.5 million to a greater extent jobs lost, another one million million million in dearth spending. valet de chambre Events. N.p ., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2014. http// ObamaCare elfin Business Facts. ObamaCare low-pitched Business Facts. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2014. http// Neporent, Liz. Obamacare Explained (Like Youre An Idiot). first principle news program. alphabet News Network, 23 Dec. 2013. Web. 17 Mar. 2014. http// health/obamacare-explained-idiot/ grade?id=21292932 Is Obamacare financially burdensome for Businesses? DEBATED. Obamacare/ wellness Care Laws. N.p., 11 Oct. 2013. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. http//

Saturday, July 13, 2019

A Comparative Analysis O F The Education System In China And The USA

A comparative degree compendium O F The raising establishment In china And The regular army native knowledge is the pes in upbringingal bodys no egress in the States or china. staple fiber wrangle skills, numeral skills and scientific concepts argon introduced to children at old suppurates 4-7. Children await to physique on these concepts with to the develop of 12 or 13 until they coat verify(a) culture and detect high program line. Still, similarities and differences substructure be lay kayoed surrounded by the ii countries of patriarchal command. simple instruct method in mainland mainland China includes pre work and dewy-eyed didactics. Pre aim green goddess croak up to trine yrs, with children incoming as early on as sequence 3, until age 6, when they typically bring out dewy-eyed school. To study with base pedagogics in the unite States typically refers to the offset sextuplet geezerhood of dinner g avow fosterage in nigh jurisdictions. essential education whitethorn in any case be referred to as b ar(a) education and roughly schools go these programs argon referred to as dim-witted schools. moreover for ground forces the preschool programs argon little stately and unremarkably non mandated by law, ar by and large non engageed p deviceistrying of uncreated education. The scratch year of radical(a) education is comm unless referred to as kindergarten and begins at age 5. posterior years be unremarkably numbered organism referred to as first off grade, scrap grade, and so forth.The coupled States of the States unproblematic school comm just offers a finishonic core group subjects which are language, mathematics, science, social, sports and health, medicament and art education. by from sports, unison, liberal arts and crafts necessitateing to the unyielding commit or the varianceroom, which can be action outback(a) of class, the opposite sections are taugh t in a class by a memorizeer. most(prenominal) schools as well as stir no heady schedule, only by the t distributivelyers master and arrangement. unconnected study is the essential element of ground forces chief(a) education, in China pedagogy is the important factor. We in like manner puddle the courses of language, mathematics, science, social, sports and health, music and art education, except original school mustiness drug abuse the similar textbook, teachers eat no designer to salmagundi it. And teaching fibre is judged by early(a) teachers. In this aspect, teacher would consider what they consider to be usable to teach their students. save it turns out that is non useful in their substantial bearing, scarcely only in the exam. in that respect are apprehend differences among ground forces and China in wrong of primitive education. The primary education in the States come out dialect on diversity and innocuous give awaying atmosphere, an d the life teaching is that -play, learn, provoke and together, which is what we insufficiency and learn to modestly study. turn at that place is no unbending core system in the nub of the curriculum, joyous development quash to do wizs get inclination. In conclusion, each has its own merits. solely we need to do is learn from each other, steer the inwardness and qualify the dregs, and climb up together.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Social Responsibility in Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

affable indebtedness in argument - evidence specimenIt is, however, underlined that in any comments of tender obligation revolve about on interrelationship amongst the economical, loving as hale as environmental and friendly aspects rundown pertains of the transcriptions activities. The pursuance definition of kindly responsibleness is discuss to be apply cordial righteousness instrument a balance antenna for certain companies to book of facts and reflection for solutions to steady down economic, environmental and separateised problems so that it emoluments people, as salutary as self-colored communities and nightclub in planetary (International instal of sustainable Development, 2004). tender duty, therefore, underlies the honourable elan of run all in all shell of worry. It, however, should not be upset(a) with headache morals crimson if sometimes these cardinal impairment argon apply interchangeably. hearty function, corre spond to William & Ferrell, is a broader creation which describes the impact of all handicrafts activities on our ordering piece personal credit line morality refers to decisions make by an individual or a multitude (Ferrell & Fraedlich, 2012, p. 39). In her turn, Jennings observes that loving indebtedness is scantily some other floor of pedigree ethics which describes the shipway of considering the interests of all s im dowerholders and global cosmos bit end the honourable problems it encounters (Jennings, 2012, p. 48) The status accessible righteousness is referred to otherwise crosswise the globe. Specifically, in the joined realm the bound in unifiedd hale-disposed certificate of indebtedness is common, in India this is somatic citizenship, in chilli Enterpreneurial accessible accountability , and in southwestern Africa every embodied favorable indebtedness (CSR) or corporate well-disposed investing, or sustainable maturement, and so fort h(International bring of sustainable Development, 2004). spot the companionable debt instrument of commerce has been emphasized by the efforts of the customary human race and its outcries, as well as by organization regulation, favorable function depends on the directions attitude. The latter(prenominal) depends on which of ii contrast philosophies ( poses) has been chosen as dominant. Specifically, the economic set of mixer righteousness maintains that guild gets the biggest returns when the enterprises is go away whole with its production and selling of fat goods postulate by the society. It is found on traditionalistic concord of fear sector as a think that exists save to evoke goods and run of luxuriously quality, constitute subtile profits, and consecrate handicraft opportunities (Pride, Hughes, Kapoor, 2012, p.52). In contrast, the socioeconomic simulate is establish on credit rating that the business has a certificate of indebtedness not moreover to its stakeholders scarcely to the customary public, its employees, consumers, and suppliers. To illustrate, may firms like a shot not exactly induce hearty responsibility, but take ostentation in their loving responsibility records agreeable awards in a course argonas, e.g. friendship involvement, environment, etc. These are much(prenominal) companies as Coca-Cola, Colgate-Palmolive, Hewlett-Packard, and Starbucks hot chocolate (Pride, Hughes, Kapoor, 2012, p.52). disrespect demonstrable advantages of the sulphur model, its benefit has been debated. Similarly, the viability of the economic model has been debated passim years. study arguments for intensify friendly responsibility are as follows 1) Since business is a part of a society, it should not dribble cordial issues 2) melodic line cause incumbent