How to improve your essay writing
Research Paper Topics For Social Science
Monday, August 24, 2020
Happiness Essay
What fulfills an individual? Bliss is an unending way throughout everyday life. Everybody has an alternate feeling about what fulfills them. Individuals have consistently been mindful to the issue of what satisfies people. In any case, getting a lot of cash is an interest for some individuals, particularly the youthful age the world over. In the article, â€Å"Get Happy†by Walter Mosley, he states how, â€Å"Happiness is considered by most to be a subset of wealth†(87). Statement above clarifies how cash is the main thing that comes in person’s mind that fulfill them on the grounds that with the cash one can purchase anything he wants.Money is one of the most significant things in over lives since we need it to have a home to live in, food to eat, garments to wear, and to get from here to there. That’s where the â€Å"money can purchase happiness†state comes in light of the fact that individuals accept that since cash can purchase all that it can purchase satisfaction as well. Be that as it may, I differ and accept that joy basically originates from connections. As a matter of first importance, cash can't accepting connections in a person’s life. Loved ones are one of the most significant wellsprings of satisfaction for most people.It doesn’t matter how much cash an individual has, on the off chance that he doesn’t have any family or companions that he can impart to, at that point it doesn’t bring particularly joy. As Mosley expressed in his article, â€Å"It [Money] can just purchase greater TVs and comelier sex accomplices.. †(87). above statement clarifies cash can just purchase stuff that can fulfill an individual transitory. For example, a few people are extremely rich however desolate on the grounds that they have nobody close by, while others are poor yet content with their dear companions and family.In my own understanding, I have a companion back in India who was rich and his fol ks got all that he needed. At the point when my folks got me a bike, his folks got him a bicycle. It appeared as though he had an ideal life, yet once I became more acquainted with him better; I got the chance to understand that the existence I believed that was impeccable due to cash was really not great. At whatever point his folks got back home they generally quarreled over easily overlooked details, they never have supper together and they don’t even consideration about their child. They didn’t have any associations between them.So it’s genuine doesn’t matter how much riches one have however one can never purchase satisfaction that originates from one’s family. Also, Money is constrained, it can't keep going forever. Cash can end effectively and it can't be gotten effectively either. Regardless of whether cash could purchase bliss, it would just be for a little since things will in general vanish sooner or later. Then again, solid family bonds will never vanish however will be consistently by one’s side, proceeding to bring one joy. Moreover, Mosley states, â€Å"how a large portion of those individuals [wealthy people] will lose that riches before they die†(87).No issue how rich an individual is yet there consistently will be where all the cash from the individual will be no more. For instance, my father disclosed to me an anecdote about this person who was extremely well off in India but since of an excessive amount of cash he was excessively glad for himself and began breaking associations with others. He got trapped in extortion for his business and everything was taken by the administration. What's more, much the same as that all the cash was gone and there was nobody close by. In the article, â€Å"If You’re glad and you know it, You’re in Third†by Adriana Barton, she states about competitor names Ms.Bahrke who got a third number in Olympic game and still says â€Å" I’m going to be ‘Mrs. Cheerful. [Getting married]’†(84). She wasn’t miserable that she couldn’t get an in front of the pack yet she was cheerful that she is getting hitched; it shows how connections can bring bliss. Therefore, cash can't accepting satisfaction. Finally, cash can adversely devour in one’s life. Riches is something worth being thankful for however it likewise can destroy a person’s life as opposed to giving somebody joy. Cash is exceptionally addictive; regardless of whether individual has a ton of cash he will regularly never be happy with what he has.For model, rather, he will attempt to get wealthier and due to that he might not possess energy for his family or companions and will begin losing connections. It will affect their youngsters, and toward the end, all he will have is cash yet nobody else next to him. In the article, â€Å"What you don’t know makes you nervous,†by Daniel Gilbert, he states,  "psychologists and business analysts presently realize that despite the fact that the rich are no more joyful than the simply rich†¦ †(80). the above statement states how more often than not individuals who has a ton cash are the one that are not happy.If cash fulfills a one then why affluent individuals are not more joyful than the needy individuals? The fundamental explanation is connections. Rich individuals are so into bringing in cash that it makes them so visually impaired that they can't see the satisfaction that their family can bring to them. Also, toward the end they have all the cash yet they don’t have any sources of genuine sympathy or to share the cash, bliss with. While destitute individuals may don’t have cash however they have the family that deals with one another which is most significant joy an individual can have. Along these lines, connections can bring an individual enduring joy yet cash won’t.Too much cash can make person†™s life discouraged as opposed to giving satisfaction. However, family will consistently be there by one’s side. All in all, I don’t imagine that it? s some way or another conceivable to â€Å"buy happiness†. In this way, we ought to know that it is companionships and family that genuinely present to us the satisfaction which we strive for. Cash may have the option to make individuals briefly upbeat yet that’s not the point, the fact of the matter is that it can’t purchase anybody durable satisfaction. Being glad is a feeling it is something you sense, not something you purchase. That is the reason satisfaction is precious. Works CitedBarton Adriana. â€Å" If You’re Happy and You Know It, You’re in Third. †America Now: Short Readings from Recent Periodicals. ninth ed. Ed. Robert Atwan. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s,2011. 79-81. Print. Gilbert, Daniel. â€Å"What You Don’t Know Makes You Nervous. †Americ a Now: Short Readings from Recent Periodicals. ninth ed. Ed. Robert Atwan. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2011. 79-81. Print. Mosley Walter. â€Å"Get Happy. †America presently: Short Readings From Recent Periodicals. ninth Ed. Ed. Robert Atwan. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2011. 79-81. Print.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Marxist Theorys On Economic Development Essays - Economic Ideologies
Marxist Theorys On Economic Development What's going on with the present reality? Do individuals need to battle, contend and even do battle with one another? Individuals banter whether the world would not be so brimming with abhor if everything was equivalent. Well my response to that is truly, individuals do need to battle, contend and do battle since that is human instinct, our privilege of discourse, and opportunity! A few countries are viewed as underhanded and crooked in light of the fact that they are a socialist country, yet would they say they are downright terrible? One can't reprimand a country for attempting to arrive at a definitive objective of perfect world. Notwithstanding, one must pay heed that no nation that exists today or in the past has achieved this great assignment. I am not a supporter of the present socialism at any methods, yet I do accept that a man quite a while in the past had the correct thought. With certain progressions and a little work Karl Marx's hypothesis could have made this world more prominent. Karl Heinrich Marx was conceived May fifth, 1818 in Trier. Despite the fact that he had three different kin, all sisters, he was the most loved youngster to his dad, Heinrich. His mom was a Dutch Jewess named Henrietta Pressburg. Marx was the best scholar and rationalist of his time. His perspectives on life and the social structure changed the manner by which individuals thought. He made an open door for the lower class to transcend the privileged people and bombed because of the making of the working class. Regardless of this disappointment, he was as yet an extraordinary political pioneer and set the premise of Communism in Russia. His life added to the manner in which individuals think today, and on account of him individuals are progressively open to proposal and are snappier to make thoughts on policy centered issues. Understand that Marx assumed two significant jobs in world history: as a pundit of private enterprise and as a backer of communism. Albeit a solid devotee to the significance of building communism, he invested the vast majority of his time and vitality on an unpredictable investigate of the industrialist framework. This evaluate is still exceptionally compelling on numerous antiquarians, workmanship and writing researchers, sociologists and others. There have been numerous neo-Marxisms which have been put together pretty much freely with respect to the first thoughts of Marx and which are generally talked about today. Regardless of whether you need to investigate such thoughts or battle them, it's acceptable to have some idea of the subject. The terms communist and socialist have been characterized in an amazing assortment of ways. When perusing them it is constantly essential to comprehend what the author implies by them. A genuine case of a this is take a gander at the nations today is China a socialist country or a communist country? How would you disclose to them separated? China without a doubt is in-truth a socialist country, however there is enormous theories that they are seen as communists. For Marx communism was the more complete term; socialism was a propelled phase of communism. Communism would set up the route by nationalizing the methods for creation (production lines, ranches, mines, and transportation) and putting them heavily influenced by those he saw as the sole makers of riches: the laborers. He saw political fairness and opportunity as fragmented (or even deceptive) without financial correspondence. Along these lines this redistribution of financial force was planned for expanding majority rules syst em a long ways past the cutoff points imagined by before vote based transformations. Social administrations like wellbeing, instruction, and lodging would be without given, yet individuals would even now be paid wages as indicated by their work. I don't think about you or the following individual yet free medicinal services, lodging, and tutoring would be a magnificent thing. Everybody consistently needs to have an option that could be better than most others does. Be that as it may, consider the possibility that everybody had the best. Consider the possibility that everybody was driving a Mercedes or lived in a 4000 square foot house. Is that so awful, does that mean we have no rights? Yet, similar to I said before Marx's hypothesis accomplishes need some work I don't accept that our ability to speak freely or things of such ought to be contacted. Marx's clarified his hypotheses in a book. Socialist Manifesto or Manifest der Kommunistischen Partel was a book composed by Marx. It archives the targets and principals of the Communist
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Do You Have Grit With Growth Mindset
Do You Have Grit With Growth Mindset I am 65. I know I am in physical and mental decline. Every day more names and nouns flutter around the tip of my tongue. Yet, I want to learn new things. Is it possible for an old dog to learn new tricks? Writing is my main mental exercise but I believe I need cross training. I keep thinking I should study mathematics. It would be a challenge. It would exercise an area of my brain that’s been dormant for decades. Yet, is it a practical goal? Or is it merely a matter of grit? I recently watched an episode of NOVA, “School of the Future†on PBS (also on YouTube). The 2-hour documentary covered a lot of territory about education, but two theories stood out. The first focused on grit, promoted by Angela Duckworth and her book, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, and the second on growth mindset promoted by Carol Dweck and her book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. Both books essentially explore the same problem: Why do some students do better than others. Both books study successful people in all walks of life to see why they succeeded, hoping to apply success skills to general education. I highly recommend these books to students, parents, and anyone wanting to get ahead. However, does their insights apply to people in the last third of life? Can I become gritty and develop a growth mindset that will allow me to succeed at new learning endeavors in the last decades of life? I don’t know, but I’m going to experiment. New research claims the 65+ crowd can grow new brain cells, and their brains have elasticity. If I can learn math, that will validate those theories in my mind. People with grit don’t give up, don’t stop when encountering setbacks, aren’t discouraged by not having natural talent, and consider failure a teaching tool. People with growth mindset know they are not fixed in their intelligence or abilities. I believe I’ve always maintained a growth mindset, but I’m just a C student when it comes to grit. I need to change that mindset about grit. I can be gritty if I have to â€" I’ve stuck to a plant-based diet after getting a heart stent. But given the chance with most activities, I always take the fun way out. I need to believe I can change that habit. Duckworth had numerous example of grit and conducted many scientific studies, but the one that stood out most dealt with students with extracurricular activities. Kids who stuck with an afterschool pursuit for two years running were more likely to succeed in school and life afterward. I never went in for any extracurricular activities. I was a reader. But I was one hell of a gritty bookworm. I tended to wimp out at doing, but I was great at thinking about doing. Can I change that behavior this late in life? Here’s the thing about grit â€" all you have to do is keep going. Even if its just sticking to something one minute more each day. I figure if I do any amount of math daily I’ll be showing more grit. According to Duckworth, if I can stick with it for two years I’ll have the kind of grit that will transfer to other ambitions and pursuits. Come back in two years and see if the experiment succeeded. Our times are perfect for being autodidactic, especially in math. There are countless online courses to pursue, but best of all is Khan Academy. I’ve already started working with it, and it’s amazing. Even though I got through Calculus and Statistics in college, I’ve forgotten it all, and I had to start back in the 4th grade at the Khan Academy. I’m hoping to move into 7th-grade math soon. I’ve tried learning math before and started with A Mind for Numbers: How to Excel at Math and Science by Barbara Oakley, Ph.d. But I dropped out last year. Not enough grit. I’m going to take her Learning How to Learn course at Coursera over and apply it to working with math at the Khan Academy, which I actually enjoy. It’s almost like a video game. My new hope is Angela Duckworth is right about building grit. Her book is extremely persuasive, but her studies don’t cover us older folks. I will need to reread a chapter of Grit each week to spur me on. In both Grit and Mindset, people who succeed have goals. I’ve never been good at goal seeking. Also, Duckworth’s research showed working on a team is a major beneficial factor. I’m not sure how to arrange that. Maybe I’ll Tom Sawyer some of my retired friends into a learning club. I may have accidently tested grit already. I have written over 1,200 essays in the last ten years. That should reflect the 10,000 hours/ten-year rule, except I didn’t apply enough disciplined practiced. Studying math will be a much harder mountain to climb. Mentally I know I am right at the barrier of ability. To break through will require a major amount of grit. This is where mindset comes in. Fixed mindset tells me I’m too old. Growth mindset says I’m not. To succeed will require grit and reprogramming my mindset. But back to the book reviewing. If you’re the kind of person who always wanted to succeed at something, but hasn’t, then Grit and Mindset are for you. It’s not a matter of talent or luck, although they help. If you’re a parent, you need to read these books. Period. Ditto for teachers and professors of education. No matter what your ambition, these two books should inspire you to keep at your dream. Sign up for True Story to receive nonfiction news, new releases, and must-read forthcoming titles. Thank you for signing up! Keep an eye on your inbox.
Friday, May 22, 2020
John Bunyan the Tinker of Bedford Free Essay Example, 500 words
ï » ¿John Bunyan the Tinker of Bedford In the 17th century England, during the breakage of the old and birth of a new consciousness, religious issues were as topical as ever. That struggle for a new way of life, for the greater part of the British, as well as an attempt to defend the old one, was inextricably linked with the search for a true faith and religious freedom. Major role in that struggle was played by Puritans. Puritanism in England, with all its brutal regimentation of ideas, was not just a part of the Reformation, but also a particular view of the world, which determined a person’s behavior, the very manner of his life. The power of those ideas was so strong that their influence can be felt to this day even, though Puritans had long disappeared from the stage of history. It should be noted that, despite the strict Calvinist nature, puritanical views have been recognized by different branches of English Protestantism. In the era of the Stuarts they were shared by Anglican Conformists (Richard Baxter) a nd Dissenters: Congregationalists (John Owen) and Baptists (John Bunyan). We will write a custom essay sample on John Bunyan the Tinker of Bedford or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now John Bunyan, probably, was the most prominent representative of the reform movement. This paper is an effort to give a short summary of life of this outstanding man according to Deal’s book. â€Å"Shakespeare of preachers†was born in Elstou, a small village in the heart of England (Bedfordshire), where he spent most of his life. His formal education was poor. At sixteen, he enlisted in the army of Parliament and served during the Civil War. In 1647, being 19 years old, he married a young woman who convinced him to attend church regularly. There he listened to the Gospel, and after a deep and prolonged spiritual struggle, he completely submitted himself to God’s hands. He was baptized and became a member of the Baptist Church of Bedford. Soon he began preaching in the church and surrounding villages. People quickly recognized Bunyan’s leadership skills, as well as the ability to interpret Scripture. Continuing to work as a tinker, he preached wherever he could. All Sundays and holidays he spent in the stables, shops, on the village meadows and just on the streets where he inevitably gathered crowds. In 1660 he was arrested and jailed for holding secret, unauthorized by the state, religious gatherings. When he was offered freedom in exchange for a promise never to preach again, he disagreed. During imprisonment he studied, wrote and supported his family by making and selling shoelaces. Right in prison he wrote his immortal work – The Pilgrim’s Progress. In 1672 he was released and immediately returned to his previous activities. Over the next 16 years of his life he was active as a pastor, writer, counselor, leader and the supreme pastor of many churches and youth ministers. He died in 1688, after riding 40 miles to London in the pouring rain to preach there. He was always poor, but thanks to his lead, service, and, in particular, his pen, he left a priceless legacy to posterity. Buny an was an advocate of religious freedom and freedom of conscience in religious matters. His The Pilgrim’s Progress is certainly one of the most remarkable books written in English. Suffice it to say that the number of its translations is less that of the Bible only - more than 200 languages. The missionaries, who preached Christianity in its Protestant form, usually translated The Pilgrim’s Progress into the languages ​​of different aborigines immediately after the Bible, because they believed that the book of Bunyan better than any other meets their goals, stating in figurative and easy form the basis of their faith. But it would be quite wrong to see in the book only that preaching aspect. It has already become an integral part of the classical heritage of English literature, has occupied a place among the most famous literary works. One day King Charles asked John Owen, a noble puritan and the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford, why he visite d preaching of John Bunyan so often. Owen replied that he would willingly give his scholarship if he could preach Christ as a simple tinker of Bedford. His profound and expressive sermons make impression on readers throughout the centuries. He encourages and stimulates the readers to follow the footsteps of the Lord as he did, the man of God - John Bunyan. Someone said about Bunyan that he was the poorest of all the saints, who, at the same time, considered himself the most sinful of all sinners. References Deal, William. John Bunyan the Tinker of Bedford. Arlington Heights, IL: Christian Liberty Press, 2007.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
People work because they need money to live Free Essays
People work because they need money to live. What are some other reasons that people work. Discuss one or more of these reasons. We will write a custom essay sample on People work because they need money to live or any similar topic only for you Order Now Use specific examples and details to support your answer. By devochkacluny People work because they need money to live. What are some other reasons that people work. Discuss one or more of these reasons. use specific examples and details to support your answer. Some people work because they need money to live. I do not agree with this idea. In my opinion, to Improve myself, broaden my perspective and discipline myself are what I expect from work. As these will be ingrained in me forever, It does not like money which is finally used up. Nowadays, business is highly competitive. Companies have to produce goods and services rapidly. They require competent employees who are able to work effectively. Competent employees should be a fast-learning person who can work Immediately without much training. They need to put their time and energy to finish their Job responsibility correctly and quickly. As a result, we have to Improve ourselves to be competent employees who are able to work in todays world. Moreover, I work in order to broaden my erspective. In working life, we come Into contact with many people such as customers, supervisors, colleagues and subordinates. We have to communicate with people having different backgrounds and behaviors which enable us to learn and try to adjust ourselves to work with the differences. Very often, I need to work as a team In order to brainstorm ideas. I usually get many new ideas from others which I have never thought about them before. It significantly helps me widen my perspective. Working also helps us to become more disciplined. Workers have to follow corporate rules and regulations. They have to work continuously during work time. Furthermore, they have to be evaluated their job performance whether they should be promoted or whether they are unqualified for such position causing them to maintain their performance well all the time. These kinds of behavior will finally become a habit because we do It In everyday definitely helping us to develop self- discipline. In sum, from my perspective, I work in order to improve myself, broaden my perspective and discipline myself because these things will help me to be a valuable person. It cannot definitely happen, If we do not work. How to cite People work because they need money to live, Essays
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Marketing Plan of Music Concert in Shanghai free essay sample
In 2010, the forty-first world expo has been successfully opened in Shanghai from the beginning of the May to the end of October; and the aim of Shanghai Expo is universally acknowledged as â€Å"better city better life†. â€Å"Colorful Concert†will be held during the period from October first to October seventh in 2010 at Shanghai Grand Theatre. The aim of the concert is â€Å"colorful music colorful life†because people are increasingly busy at working in the modern society while ignoring proper rests. Furthermore, reminding people the importance of our mental health is also one of our objectives. What is more, it is beneficial for citizens whom from different regions to contact and enjoy various music. As a result, we hope to help citizens to release their body and ease their mind through a large music show. Evidently, the relationship between Colorful Concert and 2010 Expo is that both of two events can assist people’s lives become better, healthier, and more colorful. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Plan of Music Concert in Shanghai or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page * A summary of preliminary planning Before the colorful concert, we initially decided to stage a large variety show which is more composite than the concert. We named the previous one as â€Å"A Dream City†which involved the changes in four different aspects such as transportation, construction, traditional culture and environment as well. However, it is extensive to state objectives and unreasonable to be held within seven days. * Thesis statement In this report, it will demonstrate the financial and marketing plans with a detailed budget, a sponsorship plan and a marketing plan in appendix. Moreover, the operations and logistics will be analyzed in the last part of report. Explanation of Financial Planning * The process of determining Financial plan is a plan for expenditure and future income, which can also be simply regarded as a budget or an investment plan. A financial planning always plays a pivotal role during the whole preparation for an event (Cooper, R, n, d). This is because a successful financial plan refers to the means by which cash will be acquired to cover future expenses; therefore, it an be a determination on whether could be profitable or not. According to Shone, â€Å"many organizers do not fully appreciate the financial implications of the decisions they are making and are consequently surprised, when the accounts are done, how little profit has been made, or how big a loss has been incurred. †Consequently, an appropriate financial planning and management could determine the successes of an event. Moreover, the financial management can be div ided into three categorizes which are profit-oriented events, break even events and loss leader or hosted events. The colorful concert is a profit-oriented event due to an expectation on revenues which can exceed expenses. More specifically, from the view of political and economic environment, it has been stated in the second item of the â€Å"Guidance†by the Chinese Ministry of Culture that the central and local governments should develop the culture industry through providing special funds or meeting requirements to entertainment enterprises (China Daily, 2010). Therefore, these policies will be beneficial for us to acquire supports by governments and get loans from banks. It is a unique opportunity for our company to expand the market because there will be a high visitor’s flow rate in the period of Shanghai Expo. Furthermore, the expenditures of colorful concert have been generally segmented into various aspects which are fixed cost and variable cost. Fix cost means that spending will not change with the number of visitors such as overhead, rental of venue, entertainment fees, decoration of venue printing advertising and insurance. On the contrary, variable cost indicates the spending which will change with the number of visitors such as food and beverages, products, equipments and gifts. All of those budget data will be demonstrated in detailed budget. The breakeven point at which cost and revenue are equal can be recognized as a signal in order to show whether a business is profitable or not (Levine, D, 2008). Contributional margin is one of crucial factors to calculate the breakeven point, which refers to the difference between the revenue received from an individual, and the variable costs for one person. Therefore, the breakeven point is equal total fixed cost divided by contributional margin. * Generating income for the event Income for the event can be generated from numerous aspects such as tickets income, sponsorship, advertising, concessions of retailers, services for parking or transport, broadcast rights, lottery and merchandise. To be more specific, the colorful concert can not only benefit from tickets income alone due to relate with cultural events; thereby combining advertising, merchandise and sponsorship is crucial for organizers to consider. Furthermore, broadcast right is also one of those manners that can generate profits for the concert. * Sponsors According to Parry (2004), sponsorship is a commercial promotional skill but not a method of obtaining donations (Parry, A, 2004). The organization of concert has already connected with several related sponsors such as instrument, food, drinks tycoons, and most of them are bullish for the music show. The sponsor who provides most funds to the event will own the exclusive naming right. WAHAHA, which is a tycoon in Chinese drink market, will own the naming right to colorful concert for 40% funding. These companies sponsor to the music show for the following reasons.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Free Essays on Judith
Judith’s identity as woman warrior put the poem in the social scope of old English times. It was rare that a woman was portrayed as having power, even super-power based on God working through a woman, yet alone acknowledged as being supreme during the time old English times. Surprisingly not, Christian themes are featured in the poem (which reflects the Anglo Saxons vs. Pagan invaders). The most outstanding and important theme in the poem is Judith, the Christian heroin symbolizing good, vs. Holofernes, the Devil symbolizing evil. It is one poem with two very important victories. First of all a woman has been portrayed as the unlikely hero of the time and shines flawlessly on the journey to triumph. This is seen as a symbolic depiction of contemporary literary issues. Through a display of extreme faith Judith is able to overcome adversity and triumph. This is a very powerful message brought about in the poem showing woman everywhere anything is possible through having faith and male dominance will not continue to triumph. In the times where all hero’s and superiors were males, this poem brings about a curve in the history of literature as well as the world. Something as small as changing the sex of a character in a story or poem can have countless effects on the world. Male dominance of the time was based on the mentality of winning and taking, this is exactly what Holofernes was expecting to do. Conquering the woman through rape and taking her prison as a sign of weakness, but the woman warrior prevailed. The second triumph in the poem is good (God) prevailing over evil (the devil). Judith’s faith in the Lord is far more powerful then the temptation of evil by the devil. Darkness represented by a drunken man’s idea to rape a â€Å"helpless woman†is denied by the bright light of heaven shining onto the earth to bring courage and strength to a child of the Lord. Brightness proves to be a sign of good life on earth will preva... Free Essays on Judith Free Essays on Judith Judith’s identity as woman warrior put the poem in the social scope of old English times. It was rare that a woman was portrayed as having power, even super-power based on God working through a woman, yet alone acknowledged as being supreme during the time old English times. Surprisingly not, Christian themes are featured in the poem (which reflects the Anglo Saxons vs. Pagan invaders). The most outstanding and important theme in the poem is Judith, the Christian heroin symbolizing good, vs. Holofernes, the Devil symbolizing evil. It is one poem with two very important victories. First of all a woman has been portrayed as the unlikely hero of the time and shines flawlessly on the journey to triumph. This is seen as a symbolic depiction of contemporary literary issues. Through a display of extreme faith Judith is able to overcome adversity and triumph. This is a very powerful message brought about in the poem showing woman everywhere anything is possible through having faith and male dominance will not continue to triumph. In the times where all hero’s and superiors were males, this poem brings about a curve in the history of literature as well as the world. Something as small as changing the sex of a character in a story or poem can have countless effects on the world. Male dominance of the time was based on the mentality of winning and taking, this is exactly what Holofernes was expecting to do. Conquering the woman through rape and taking her prison as a sign of weakness, but the woman warrior prevailed. The second triumph in the poem is good (God) prevailing over evil (the devil). Judith’s faith in the Lord is far more powerful then the temptation of evil by the devil. Darkness represented by a drunken man’s idea to rape a â€Å"helpless woman†is denied by the bright light of heaven shining onto the earth to bring courage and strength to a child of the Lord. Brightness proves to be a sign of good life on earth will preva...
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